Nind, C. Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Pa
Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Po
Update on Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Wk6Pa
Update on Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Wk6Pr
Nind, C.J.M. A Program to Model and Interpret Borehole Gravity Data - Pa
A Program to Model and Interpret Borehole Gravity Data - Po
Ninomiya, Y. Lithologic mapping system with ASTER TIR data and preliminary usage of PALSAR full polarimetric data - Wk1
Nyakaana, J. Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Pa
Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Po
Nykänen, V.M. Spatial Modelling Techniques and Data Integration using GIS for Target Scale Gold Exploration in Finland - Pa
Spatial Modelling Techniques and Data Integration using GIS for Target Scale Gold Exploration in Finland - Po
O'Connell, M.D. An Improved Method for Trending of Features on Aeromagnetic Maps - Pa
An Improved Method for Trending of Features on Aeromagnetic Maps - Po
O'Dowd, C. Mine Site Geophysical Applications in the Athabasca Basin - Pa
Mine Site Geophysical Applications in the Athabasca Basin - Pr
Ojala, V.J. Spatial Modelling Techniques and Data Integration using GIS for Target Scale Gold Exploration in Finland - Pa
Spatial Modelling Techniques and Data Integration using GIS for Target Scale Gold Exploration in Finland - Po
Ojeda, G. Understanding Real Time Processes behind the Development of Surface Geochemical Expressions from Ore Bbodies Beneath cover: Source to Surface and Detection by means of Collector Devices - Pa
Olde Weghuis, M.S. Chemically Pure Synthetic Standards for Wide Range Analysis of Oxides in Geological Material using Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry - Pa
Chemically Pure Synthetic Standards for Wide Range Analysis of Oxides in Geological Material using Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry - Po
Oldenburg, D.W. Geophysical Inversion for Mineral Exploration - A Decade of Progress in Theory and Practice - Pa
Geophysical Inversion for Mineral Exploration - A Decade of Progress in Theory and Practice - Pr
Oliveira, C.G. Geophysical Response of Hydrothermal Rocks Associated with Copper-Gold Mineralizarion in the Neoproterozoic Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, Central Brazil - Pa
Geophysical Response of Hydrothermal Rocks Associated with Copper-Gold Mineralizarion in the Neoproterozoic Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, Central Brazil - Po
Ootes, L. Alteration vectoring to IOCG(U) deposits in frontier volcano-plutonic terrains, Canada - Pa
O'Reilly, S.Y. Crustal History and Metallogenic Fertility: Terrane-scale Assessment with Detrital Zircons - Pa
Crustal History and Metallogenic Fertility: Terrane-scale Assessment with Detrital Zircons - Pr
Paine, J. Developments in Geophysical Inversion in the Last Decade - Pa
Developments in Geophysical Inversion in the Last Decade - Pr
Pandit, B. Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Pa
Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Po
Panizza, N. Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pa
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pr
Parsons, S. Rock Property Database System - Pa
Rock Property Database System - Po
Paterson, N. Technical Luncheon - Life's Lessons Learned - Pr
Paulen, R.C. Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Pa
Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Po
Pears, G.A. Geologically-realistic Inversion of Geophysical Data - Pa
Geologically-realistic Inversion of Geophysical Data - Pr
Peppin, B. Effects of Spatial and Spectral Resolution on Recognition of Mineral Endmembers in a Hydrothermal Alteration Setting: Case Study on Buddingtonite Bump, Cuprite, Nevada, USA - Wk1
Perron, G. Discovery from 3D Data Visualization and Quantitative Modelling - Pa
Discovery from 3D Data Visualization and Quantitative Modelling - Pr
Software Workflows for 3D Quantitative Data Integration - Pa
Software Workflows for 3D Quantitative Data Integration - Pr
Peter, J.M. New eyes on old data: A 3-D historical data integration study in the Heath Steele mining camp, Bathurst New Brunswick, Canada. - Pa
Petrie, L. Synthetic Model Testing and Titan-24 DC-Resistivity Results over an Athabasca-type Unconformity Uranium Target at Wheeler River, Athabasca Basin, Northwestern Saskatchewan - Wk6Pa
Synthetic Model Testing and Titan-24 DC-Resistivity Results over an Athabasca-type Unconformity Uranium Target at Wheeler River, Athabasca Basin, Northwestern Saskatchewan - Wk6Pr
Pezzot, T. Mag Silver Corporation, Cinco de Mayo Project, North-central Chihuahua, Mexico - Wk6Pa
Mag Silver Corporation, Cinco de Mayo Project, North-central Chihuahua, Mexico - Wk6Pr
Phillips, N.D. Optimizing Inversion for the Archean Orogenic Gold Environment - Pa
Optimizing Inversion for the Archean Orogenic Gold Environment - Pa
Optimizing Inversion for the Archean Orogenic Gold Environment - Po
Piercey, S. An Overview of the Use of Petrochemistry in Regional Exploration for Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits - Pa
An Overview of the Use of Petrochemistry in Regional Exploration for Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits - Pr
Timing and Tectonic Setting of Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Bearing Terranes within the Central Mobile Belt of the Canadian Appalachians - Pa
Pires, A.C.B. Geophysical Response of Hydrothermal Rocks Associated with Copper-Gold Mineralizarion in the Neoproterozoic Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, Central Brazil - Pa
Geophysical Response of Hydrothermal Rocks Associated with Copper-Gold Mineralizarion in the Neoproterozoic Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, Central Brazil - Po
Plouffe, A. Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Pa
Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Po
Pontual, S. Interrogating Geological Spectral Data ? How to get the most out of the mineral information in your spectra - Wk1
Pool, D.R. Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Pa
Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Po
Pouliquen, G. 3D Geometry of the Xade Complex Inferred from Gravity and Magnetic Data - Pa
3D Geometry of the Xade Complex Inferred from Gravity and Magnetic Data - Po
Powell, B. Advances in Geophysical Exploration for Uranium Deposits in the Athabasca Basin - Pa
Advances in Geophysical Exploration for Uranium Deposits in the Athabasca Basin - Pr
Mine Site Geophysical Applications in the Athabasca Basin - Pa
Mine Site Geophysical Applications in the Athabasca Basin - Pr
Power, M. Geophysical Exploration strategies for kimberlite exploration in northern Canada - Pa
Pratt, D.A. Geophysical Inversion for Mineral Exploration - A Decade of Progress in Theory and Practice - Pa
Geophysical Inversion for Mineral Exploration - A Decade of Progress in Theory and Practice - Pr
Pretorius, C.C. 3D Data Integration for Exploration and Mine Planning - Pa
Prince, P. The Evaluation of Geological Exploration Samples using Multi-element Mobile Metal Ion (MMI-M) Selective Weak Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) - Pa
The Evaluation of Geological Exploration Samples using Multi-element Mobile Metal Ion (MMI-M) Selective Weak Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) - Po
Prior, G.J. Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Pa
Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Po
Puig, A. Understanding Real Time Processes behind the Development of Surface Geochemical Expressions from Ore Bbodies Beneath cover: Source to Surface and Detection by means of Collector Devices - Pa
Qian, W. Borehole Resistivity Logging and Tomography for Mineral Exploration - Pa
Borehole Resistivity Logging and Tomography for Mineral Exploration - Wk6Pa
Borehole Resistivity Logging and Tomography for Mineral Exploration - Po
Borehole Resistivity Logging and Tomography for Mineral Exploration - Wk6Pr
In The Shadow of a Headframe: Deep Exploration Using Integrated 3-D Seismic and BHEM at The Louvicourt Mine, Quebec - Pa
In The Shadow of a Headframe: Deep Exploration Using Integrated 3-D Seismic and BHEM at The Louvicourt Mine, Quebec - Po
Quigley, M. Drill Core Logging of Feldspar Composition and Other Minerals Associated with Archaean Gold Mineralization at Kambalda, Western Australia, using a bi-Directional Thermal Infrared Reflectance System - Wk1
Quirt, D. Empirical Models for Canadian Unconformity-associated Uranium Deposits - Pa
Empirical Models for Canadian Unconformity-associated Uranium Deposits - Pr
Ramanaidou, E. HyLogger? an Automated Core and Drill Chips Logger for exploration of iron ore - Wk1
Ramos, F. Denoising Aerial Gamma-Ray Survey Data with Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction - Pa
Denoising Aerial Gamma-Ray Survey Data with Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction - Po
Reed, L.E. 50 Years of Kimberlite Geophysics, A Review - Pa
Reeves, C. Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Pa
Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Po
Reeves, J.A. Detecting Heterogeneity near a Borehole Using Vibroseis VSP Data - Pa
Detecting Heterogeneity near a Borehole Using Vibroseis VSP Data - Po
Reford, S. Opening of Exploration 07 - Pr
Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Pa
Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Po
Reilkoff, B. Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Pa
Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Po
Riley, D. SEBASS imaging for Copper Porphyry and Skarn Deposits, Yerington, NV - Pa
SEBASS imaging for Copper Porphyry and Skarn Deposits, Yerington, NV - Wk1
Ritchie, T.J. Distributed Acquisition In Electrical Geophysical Systems - Pa
Distributed Acquisition In Electrical Geophysical Systems - Pr
Rivard, B. Alteration vectoring to IOCG(U) deposits in frontier volcano-plutonic terrains, Canada - Pa
Spatial-spectral information for endmember extraction - Wk1
Riverin, G. The VMS Model: Advances and Application to Exploration - Pa
The VMS Model: Advances and Application to Exploration - Pr
Roache, A. Drill Core Logging of Feldspar Composition and Other Minerals Associated with Archaean Gold Mineralization at Kambalda, Western Australia, using a bi-Directional Thermal Infrared Reflectance System - Wk1
Robert, F. Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pa
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Robertson, K. Mag Silver Corporation, Cinco de Mayo Project, North-central Chihuahua, Mexico - Wk6Pa
Mag Silver Corporation, Cinco de Mayo Project, North-central Chihuahua, Mexico - Wk6Pr
Robinson, D. HyLogger? an Automated Core and Drill Chips Logger for exploration of iron ore - Wk1
The Impact of Government Pre-competitive Geophysical Data to the Exploration - Pa
The Impact of Government Pre-competitive Geophysical Data to the Exploration - Pr
Rodriguez, B.R. Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Pa
Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Po
Rogers, N. Timing and Tectonic Setting of Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Bearing Terranes within the Central Mobile Belt of the Canadian Appalachians - Pa
Rogge, D.M. Spatial-spectral information for endmember extraction - Wk1
Ross, H.J. Implicit Ore Delineation - Pa
Implicit Ore Delineation - Po
Rowe, R.R. Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pa
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Roy, J. MRS: New GW geophysical Technique - Pa
Rudd, J. Airborne Resistivity Mapping With Helicopter TEM: An Oil Sands Case Study - Wk6Pa
Airborne Resistivity Mapping With Helicopter TEM: An Oil Sands Case Study - Wk6Pr
Ryan, L. Using Deposit-scale Alteration and Geochemical Signatures to Explore for Analogue Deposits: A Case Study from Mt Wright Gold Project, Queensland - Pa
Using Deposit-scale Alteration and Geochemical Signatures to Explore for Analogue Deposits: A Case Study from Mt Wright Gold Project, Queensland - Po
Salisbury, M. Seismic Exploration within the Flin Flon VMS Mining Camp, Manitoba, Canada - Pa
Sampson, L. Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Sarala, P. Spatial Modelling Techniques and Data Integration using GIS for Target Scale Gold Exploration in Finland - Pa
Spatial Modelling Techniques and Data Integration using GIS for Target Scale Gold Exploration in Finland - Po
Sarapää, O. Spatial Modelling Techniques and Data Integration using GIS for Target Scale Gold Exploration in Finland - Pa
Spatial Modelling Techniques and Data Integration using GIS for Target Scale Gold Exploration in Finland - Po
Schmitt, D. Detecting Heterogeneity near a Borehole Using Vibroseis VSP Data - Pa
Detecting Heterogeneity near a Borehole Using Vibroseis VSP Data - Po
Seismic Exploration within the Flin Flon VMS Mining Camp, Manitoba, Canada - Pa
Seal, T. Exploration and Optimized Extraction of Retained Gold Inventory in Heap Leach Stacks Prior to Closure - Wk6Pa
Exploration and Optimized Extraction of Retained Gold Inventory in Heap Leach Stacks Prior to Closure - Wk6Pr
Seigel, H.O. A Program to Model and Interpret Borehole Gravity Data - Pa
A Program to Model and Interpret Borehole Gravity Data - Po
Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Pa
Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Po
Technical Luncheon - Life's Lessons Learned - Pr
Update on Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Wk6Pa
Update on Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Wk6Pr
Seikel, R. Improved 3D Geology Modelling using an Implicit Function Interpolator and Forward Modelling of Potential Field Data - Pa
Shearer, S. Practical Methods for Interpreting Magnetic Data Affected by Strong Remanent Magnetization - Pa
Sheppard, S. Innovative EM Exploration in Surface Exploration and Underground Mine Settings - Pa
Innovative EM Exploration in Surface Exploration and Underground Mine Settings - Pr
Shoffner, J. Remote sensing analysis of Leviathan Mine and the Monitor Pass district of California. - Wk1
Silva, A.M. Geophysical Response of Hydrothermal Rocks Associated with Copper-Gold Mineralizarion in the Neoproterozoic Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, Central Brazil - Pa
Geophysical Response of Hydrothermal Rocks Associated with Copper-Gold Mineralizarion in the Neoproterozoic Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, Central Brazil - Po
Singhroy, V. Advanced SAR techniques for Geological Mapping - Wk1
Skulski, T. Timing and Tectonic Setting of Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Bearing Terranes within the Central Mobile Belt of the Canadian Appalachians - Pa
Skwarnecki, M. Mapping ?Big Footprint? Archaean Au Alteration Mineralogy through the regolith at Kalgoorlie using airborne hyperspectral data - Wk1
Slavinski, H.A. 3D Structural Geometry of a Thrust duplex within the Grenville Province: Integration of Radiogenic Isotope, Magnetics and SRTM topography data - Pa
3D Structural Geometry of a Thrust duplex within the Grenville Province: Integration of Radiogenic Isotope, Magnetics and SRTM topography data - Po
Remote Mapping of the 3D Structural Geometry of a plunging fold within the Southern Province: Integration of Aerial Photography, Magnetics and topography data - Pa
Remote Mapping of the 3D Structural Geometry of a plunging fold within the Southern Province: Integration of Aerial Photography, Magnetics and topography data - Po
Smailbegovic, A. Combined Imaging, Geophysical Assessment and Remote Spectroscopy (CIGARS) of Lajitas Mineralization Area, Northern Chile - Wk1
Effects of Spatial and Spectral Resolution on Recognition of Mineral Endmembers in a Hydrothermal Alteration Setting: Case Study on Buddingtonite Bump, Cuprite, Nevada, USA - Wk1
Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy as an Aid to Exploration at the Jundee Gold Mine, Western Australia - Wk1
Smiarowski, A. Airborne Detection of Perfect Conductors: Project Gemini - Pa
Smith, B.D. Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Pa
Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Po
Smith, D.V. Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Pa
Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Po
Smith, I.R. Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Pa
Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Po
Smith, K. Post-Mining Reconciliation of BHR Predicted Resource Elevation Models - Wk6Pa
Post-Mining Reconciliation of BHR Predicted Resource Elevation Models - Wk6Pr
Smith, R. Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pa
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pr
Smith, R.S. An Improved Method for Trending of Features on Aeromagnetic Maps - Pa
An Improved Method for Trending of Features on Aeromagnetic Maps - Po
Comparison of Fixed-Wing Airborne Electromagnetic 1D Inversion Methods - Pa
Comparison of Fixed-Wing Airborne Electromagnetic 1D Inversion Methods - Po
Souza Filho, C. Using Terra/ASTER and EO-1/Hyperion Data for Characterizing Hydrothermal Alteration Related to Epithermal Gold Mineralization in Patagônia, Argentina - Wk1
Steenfelt, A. Geological and Statistical Validation of a Gold Prediction Model based on low-density surface geochemistry and other geoscientific data, Nuuk region, West Greenland - Pa
Geological and Statistical Validation of a Gold Prediction Model based on low-density surface geochemistry and other geoscientific data, Nuuk region, West Greenland - Po
Stensgaard, B.M. Geological and Statistical Validation of a Gold Prediction Model based on low-density surface geochemistry and other geoscientific data, Nuuk region, West Greenland - Pa
Geological and Statistical Validation of a Gold Prediction Model based on low-density surface geochemistry and other geoscientific data, Nuuk region, West Greenland - Po
Stevens, K. Borehole Resistivity Logging and Tomography for Mineral Exploration - Pa
Borehole Resistivity Logging and Tomography for Mineral Exploration - Wk6Pa
Borehole Resistivity Logging and Tomography for Mineral Exploration - Po
Borehole Resistivity Logging and Tomography for Mineral Exploration - Wk6Pr
Stewart, R. In-mine Exploration and Delineation Using an Integrated Approach - Pa
In-mine Exploration and Delineation Using an Integrated Approach - Pr
Stiles, C. Descriptive Geology and Three Dimensional Gocad Data Integration, Modeling and Projection to Derive Mineralization Controls and Exploration Targets, Midway Gold Project, Nye County, Nevada, USA - Pa
Descriptive Geology and Three Dimensional Gocad Data Integration, Modeling and Projection to Derive Mineralization Controls and Exploration Targets, Midway Gold Project, Nye County, Nevada, USA - Po
Stoltz, E. Processing and seismic inversion of the Intrepid seismic line at the St. Ives gold camp, Western Australia - Pa
3D Seismic Exploration for Gold, Yilgarn Craton, Australia - Pa
3D Seismic Exploration for Gold, Yilgarn Craton, Australia - Pr
Stowell, J. Borehole Radiometrics-Past, Present and Future - Wk6Pa
Borehole Radiometrics-Past, Present and Future - Wk6Pr
Sun, L.F. Detecting Heterogeneity near a Borehole Using Vibroseis VSP Data - Pa
Detecting Heterogeneity near a Borehole Using Vibroseis VSP Data - Po
Sutherland, D. Cutting Edge Geochemistry Detects Organic Signatures in Surficial Samples Originating from Bacterial-Mineral Interactions to Locate and Identify Deeply Buried Exploration Targets - Pa
Cutting Edge Geochemistry Detects Organic Signatures in Surficial Samples Originating from Bacterial-Mineral Interactions to Locate and Identify Deeply Buried Exploration Targets - Po
Takacs, E. Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Pa
Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Po
Tangestani, M. Improved rock units discrimination using ASTER data of the Neyriz ophiolite, NW Iran, and its potential in prospecting for chromite deposits - Wk1
Spectral analysis of ASTER data for alteration mapping in Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper deposit area, SE Iran - Wk1
Taranik, J. Effects of Spatial and Spectral Resolution on Recognition of Mineral Endmembers in a Hydrothermal Alteration Setting: Case Study on Buddingtonite Bump, Cuprite, Nevada, USA - Wk1
Thomas, D. Empirical Models for Canadian Unconformity-associated Uranium Deposits - Pa
Empirical Models for Canadian Unconformity-associated Uranium Deposits - Pr
Thomas, M. The Mt Isa Mineral Mapping Project : next generation pre-competitive geoscience information for a sustainable resource industry - Wk1
Thomson, S. Airborne Geophysics - Evolution and Revolution - Pa
Airborne Geophysics - Evolution and Revolution - Pr
Thorne, W. Recent Advances in BIF-related Iron Ore Models and Exploration Strategies - Pa
Recent Advances in BIF-related Iron Ore Models and Exploration Strategies - Pr
Townley, B. Understanding Real Time Processes behind the Development of Surface Geochemical Expressions from Ore Bbodies Beneath cover: Source to Surface and Detection by means of Collector Devices - Pa
Turner, N. The Evaluation of Geological Exploration Samples using Multi-element Mobile Metal Ion (MMI-M) Selective Weak Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) - Pa
The Evaluation of Geological Exploration Samples using Multi-element Mobile Metal Ion (MMI-M) Selective Weak Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) - Po
Ugalde, H. 3D Geological Modelling of the Middle Proterozoic stratigraphy, Belcher Islands: Integration of ASTER imagery and SRTM Topography - Pa
3D Modelling of Basement Structures in Southern Ontario: A compilation of Drillhole, Magnetic and Digital Elevation Data - Pa
3D Structural Geometry of a Thrust duplex within the Grenville Province: Integration of Radiogenic Isotope, Magnetics and SRTM topography data - Pa
3D Structural Geometry of a Thrust duplex within the Grenville Province: Integration of Radiogenic Isotope, Magnetics and SRTM topography data - Po
An Integrated Geophysical Study for Orebody Delineation, Nash Creek, New Brunswick - Pa
An Integrated Geophysical Study for Orebody Delineation, Nash Creek, New Brunswick - Po
Remote Mapping of the 3D Structural Geometry of a plunging fold within the Southern Province: Integration of Aerial Photography, Magnetics and topography data - Pa
Remote Mapping of the 3D Structural Geometry of a plunging fold within the Southern Province: Integration of Aerial Photography, Magnetics and topography data - Po
Urosevic, M. 3D Seismic Exploration for Gold, Yilgarn Craton, Australia - Pa
3D Seismic Exploration for Gold, Yilgarn Craton, Australia - Pr
Processing and seismic inversion of the Intrepid seismic line at the St. Ives gold camp, Western Australia - Pa
Vallée, M. Comparison of Fixed-Wing Airborne Electromagnetic 1D Inversion Methods - Pa
Comparison of Fixed-Wing Airborne Electromagnetic 1D Inversion Methods - Po
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pa
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pr
van der Merwe, A.J. The Use of Density as a Stratigraphic and Correlative Tool for the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - Pa
The Use of Density as a Stratigraphic and Correlative Tool for the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - Po
van Staal, C.R. Timing and Tectonic Setting of Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Bearing Terranes within the Central Mobile Belt of the Canadian Appalachians - Pa
VanderMost, A. New eyes on old data: A 3-D historical data integration study in the Heath Steele mining camp, Bathurst New Brunswick, Canada. - Pa
Vanstone, P. Exploration Techniques for Rare-Element Pegmatites in the Bird River Greenstone Belt, Southeastern Manitoba - Pa
Vargas, T. Understanding Real Time Processes behind the Development of Surface Geochemical Expressions from Ore Bbodies Beneath cover: Source to Surface and Detection by means of Collector Devices - Pa
Verrall, M. The Mt Isa Mineral Mapping Project : next generation pre-competitive geoscience information for a sustainable resource industry - Wk1
Vincent, R. Improved rock units discrimination using ASTER data of the Neyriz ophiolite, NW Iran, and its potential in prospecting for chromite deposits - Wk1
Vos, I.M.A. Targeting Gold Deposits along a Regional Shear Zone: A Case Study from the Archean Golden Pride Deposit in Tanzania - Pa
Targeting Gold Deposits along a Regional Shear Zone: A Case Study from the Archean Golden Pride Deposit in Tanzania - Po
Wackerle, R. The High Resolution Airborne Geophysical Survey Programme of Namibia: A Success Story in Promoting Mineral Exploration - Pa
The Impact of Government Pre-competitive Geophysical Data to the Exploration - Pa
The Impact of Government Pre-competitive Geophysical Data to the Exploration - Pr
Walker, P. Modelling of the Millenium Deposit with MultiLoop III - Pa
Modelling of the Millenium Deposit with MultiLoop III - Po
Walker, S. Airborne Resistivity Mapping With Helicopter TEM: An Oil Sands Case Study - Wk6Pa
Airborne Resistivity Mapping With Helicopter TEM: An Oil Sands Case Study - Wk6Pr
Mag Silver Corporation, Cinco de Mayo Project, North-central Chihuahua, Mexico - Wk6Pa
Mag Silver Corporation, Cinco de Mayo Project, North-central Chihuahua, Mexico - Wk6Pr
Wall, V. Geology Works: The Use of Regional Geological Maps in Exploration - Pa
Geology Works: The Use of Regional Geological Maps in Exploration - Pr
Wallster, D. Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Pa
Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Po
Wang, M. Modified Geogas Survey: A Potential and Practical Tool for Mineral Exploration in areas with Exotic Overburden - Pa
Watts, T. Airborne Geophysics - Evolution and Revolution - Pa
Airborne Geophysics - Evolution and Revolution - Pr
Wells, M. HyLogger? an Automated Core and Drill Chips Logger for exploration of iron ore - Wk1
Mapping ?Big Footprint? Archaean Au Alteration Mineralogy through the regolith at Kalgoorlie using airborne hyperspectral data - Wk1
Whitbourn, L. Drill Core Logging of Feldspar Composition and Other Minerals Associated with Archaean Gold Mineralization at Kambalda, Western Australia, using a bi-Directional Thermal Infrared Reflectance System - Wk1
HyLogger? an Automated Core and Drill Chips Logger for exploration of iron ore - Wk1
White, D.J. Seismic Delineation of the Orion South (140/141) Kimberlite, Fort à la Corne Field, Saskatchewan - Pa
Seismic Delineation of the Orion South (140/141) Kimberlite, Fort à la Corne Field, Saskatchewan - Po
Seismic Exploration within the Flin Flon VMS Mining Camp, Manitoba, Canada - Pa
Wickert, L.M. 3D Geological Modelling of the Middle Proterozoic stratigraphy, Belcher Islands: Integration of ASTER imagery and SRTM Topography - Pa
Williams, N. Mapping Subsurface Alteration using Gravity and Magnetic Inversion Mmodels - Pa
Mapping Subsurface Alteration using Gravity and Magnetic Inversion Mmodels - Pr
Williams, P.K. Innovative EM Exploration in Surface Exploration and Underground Mine Settings - Pa
Innovative EM Exploration in Surface Exploration and Underground Mine Settings - Pr
Williams, P.M. The Data Mining Approach to Target Generation in Mature Districts - Pa
The Data Mining Approach to Target Generation in Mature Districts - Pr
Wilson, A.H. The Use of Density as a Stratigraphic and Correlative Tool for the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - Pa
The Use of Density as a Stratigraphic and Correlative Tool for the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - Po
Wilson, P. Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pa
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pr
Witherly, K.E. 50 Years of Kimberlite Geophysics, A Review - Pa
Conference Wrap-up - Pr
Wolmarans, A. Kimberlite delineation by seismic side-scans from boreholes - Wk6Pa
Kimberlite delineation by seismic side-scans from boreholes - Wk6Pr
Post-Mining Reconciliation of BHR Predicted Resource Elevation Models - Wk6Pa
Post-Mining Reconciliation of BHR Predicted Resource Elevation Models - Wk6Pr
Wood, G. Advances in Geophysical Exploration for Uranium Deposits in the Athabasca Basin - Pa
Advances in Geophysical Exploration for Uranium Deposits in the Athabasca Basin - Pr
Worth, T. Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pa
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pr
Yang, K. Drill Core Logging of Feldspar Composition and Other Minerals Associated with Archaean Gold Mineralization at Kambalda, Western Australia, using a bi-Directional Thermal Infrared Reflectance System - Wk1
Yin, C. Simulated Annealing For Airborne EM Data Interpretation - Pa
Young, J. Electrical and magnetic properties of the Duport gold deposit, Ontario - Wk6Pa
Electrical and magnetic properties of the Duport gold deposit, Ontario - Wk6Pr
Zagorevshki, I. Timing and Tectonic Setting of Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Bearing Terranes within the Central Mobile Belt of the Canadian Appalachians - Pa
Zamudio, J. Hyperspectral data processing for mineral anomalies in the western united states - Wk1
Zhang, S. Application of Multi-fractal Filtering in Geochemistry Data Decomposing - A case study from the south region of "Sanjiang ore-forming belt", South-western China - Pa
Application of Multi-fractal Filtering in Geochemistry Data Decomposing - A case study from the south region of "Sanjiang ore-forming belt", South-western China - Po
Zhou, X. Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pa
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Welcome to Workshop 1 - Wk1
Ziaii, Man. Prediction of Hidden Ore Bodies by New Integrated Computational Model in Marginal Lut Region in East of Iran - Pa