Abedi, A. Prediction of Hidden Ore Bodies by New Integrated Computational Model in Marginal Lut Region in East of Iran - Pa
Implicit Ore Delineation - Pa
Implicit Ore Delineation - Po
Abramson, G.Ya. Exploration Criteria for Appraising Geochemical Anomalies through Mapping Geochemical Systems - Pa
Adam, E. In The Shadow of a Headframe: Deep Exploration Using Integrated 3-D Seismic and BHEM at The Louvicourt Mine, Quebec - Pa
In The Shadow of a Headframe: Deep Exploration Using Integrated 3-D Seismic and BHEM at The Louvicourt Mine, Quebec - Po
Agar, B. Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy as an Aid to Exploration at the Jundee Gold Mine, Western Australia - Wk1
Remote Sensing and InfraRed Reflectance Spectroscopy - A Decade Perspective 1997-2007 - Pa
Remote Sensing and InfraRed Reflectance Spectroscopy - A Decade Perspective 1997-2007 - Pr
Ahl, A. Determination of Flight Altitude and Correction of Vegetation using a High Resolution Laser-altimeter - Pa
Determination of Flight Altitude and Correction of Vegetation using a High Resolution Laser-altimeter - Po
Allard, M. High-resolution 2D Seismic Imaging in the Noranda Camp and Implications for Exploration - Pa
High-resolution 2D Seismic Imaging in the Noranda Camp and Implications for Exploration - Po
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pa
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pr
On the origin of Heli-Time Domain EM species - Pa
On the origin of Heli-Time Domain EM species - Pr
Allen, R.L. The VMS Model: Advances and Application to Exploration - Pa
The VMS Model: Advances and Application to Exploration - Pr
Ames, D.E. Footwall-hosted Cu-PGE (Au, Ag), Sudbury Canada: Towards a new exploration vector - Pa
Anand, R. Major Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 1998-2007 - Pa
Major Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 1998-2007 - Pr
Annecchione, M.A. Benefits of a High Performance Airborne Gravity Gradiometer for Resource Exploration - Pa
Benefits of a High Performance Airborne Gravity Gradiometer for Resource Exploration - Po
Annesley, I. Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Pa
Recent Developments in 2D and 3D Seismic Imaging of High-Grade Uranium Ore Deposit Related Environments, in the Eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada - Po
Archibald, N. Implementation of Advanced Conceptual and Probability-based Exploration Targeting - Pr
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pa
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pr
Aslett, Z. Effects of Spatial and Spectral Resolution on Recognition of Mineral Endmembers in a Hydrothermal Alteration Setting: Case Study on Buddingtonite Bump, Cuprite, Nevada, USA - Wk1
Averill, S. Footwall-hosted Cu-PGE (Au, Ag), Sudbury Canada: Towards a new exploration vector - Pa
Bagrainski, A. Exploration and Discovery with the Geotech VTEM Airborne Electromagnetic System - Wk6Pa
Exploration and Discovery with the Geotech VTEM Airborne Electromagnetic System - Wk6Pr
Balch, S.J. Making Better Swords - A Geophysical Perspective - Pr
Barko, K. Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Pa
Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Po
Barlow, R.B. Exploration and Discovery with the Geotech VTEM Airborne Electromagnetic System - Wk6Pa
Exploration and Discovery with the Geotech VTEM Airborne Electromagnetic System - Wk6Pr
Barnett, C.T. The Data Mining Approach to Target Generation in Mature Districts - Pa
The Data Mining Approach to Target Generation in Mature Districts - Pr
Barritt, S. Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Pa
Uganda's Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Programme - Po
Beaudoin, G. Alteration vectoring to IOCG(U) deposits in frontier volcano-plutonic terrains, Canada - Pa
Bell, R.S. Exploration and Optimized Extraction of Retained Gold Inventory in Heap Leach Stacks Prior to Closure - Wk6Pa
Exploration and Optimized Extraction of Retained Gold Inventory in Heap Leach Stacks Prior to Closure - Wk6Pr
Bellefleur, G. High-resolution 2D Seismic Imaging in the Noranda Camp and Implications for Exploration - Pa
High-resolution 2D Seismic Imaging in the Noranda Camp and Implications for Exploration - Po
Reflected and Scattered Seismic Wavefields from the Halfmile Lake orebody, New Brunswick, Canada - Pa
Reflected and Scattered Seismic Wavefields from the Halfmile Lake orebody, New Brunswick, Canada - Po
Seismic Exploration within the Flin Flon VMS Mining Camp, Manitoba, Canada - Pa
Belousova, E.A. Crustal History and Metallogenic Fertility: Terrane-scale Assessment with Detrital Zircons - Pa
Crustal History and Metallogenic Fertility: Terrane-scale Assessment with Detrital Zircons - Pr
Bennett, V. Alteration vectoring to IOCG(U) deposits in frontier volcano-plutonic terrains, Canada - Pa
Bieber, G. Determination of Flight Altitude and Correction of Vegetation using a High Resolution Laser-altimeter - Pa
Determination of Flight Altitude and Correction of Vegetation using a High Resolution Laser-altimeter - Po
Bingham, D. Mine Site Geophysical Applications in the Athabasca Basin - Pa
Mine Site Geophysical Applications in the Athabasca Basin - Pr
Bishop, J.R. DHMMR: Coming of Age - Pa
DHMMR: Coming of Age - Po
Bohlen, T. Reflected and Scattered Seismic Wavefields from the Halfmile Lake orebody, New Brunswick, Canada - Pa
Reflected and Scattered Seismic Wavefields from the Halfmile Lake orebody, New Brunswick, Canada - Po
Bois, D. Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pa
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pr
Boivin, M. Advances in Geophysical Technology for VMS Exploration - Pa
Advances in Geophysical Technology for VMS Exploration - Pr
Bourne, B.T. Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pa
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Boyd, D.M. The Key Role Played by Regional Magnetic Surveys in the Discovery of Mineral Resources - Pa
The Key Role Played by Regional Magnetic Surveys in the Discovery of Mineral Resources - Pr
Brewster, J. Air-FTG® For Regional Scale Mapping - Pa
Air-FTG® For Regional Scale Mapping - Po
Brisbin, D. Empirical Models for Canadian Unconformity-associated Uranium Deposits - Pa
Empirical Models for Canadian Unconformity-associated Uranium Deposits - Pr
Mine Site Geophysical Applications in the Athabasca Basin - Pa
Mine Site Geophysical Applications in the Athabasca Basin - Pr
Brommecker, R. Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pa
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Broome, J. Geoscience Information Management and Access: A Key Enabler for Exploration Success - Pa
Geoscience Information Management and Access: A Key Enabler for Exploration Success - Pr
Brunke, S. Surficial mapping in the Hardy Lake Area, NWT, Canada using radar and multispectral methods - Wk1
Buckingham, A. Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pa
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pr
Budkewitsch, P. 3D Geological Modelling of the Middle Proterozoic stratigraphy, Belcher Islands: Integration of ASTER imagery and SRTM Topography - Pa
Buffet, G. Seismic Delineation of the Orion South (140/141) Kimberlite, Fort à la Corne Field, Saskatchewan - Pa
Seismic Delineation of the Orion South (140/141) Kimberlite, Fort à la Corne Field, Saskatchewan - Po
Butler, K.E. Signal to Noise Improvements in Seismoelectric Data Acquisition - Pa
Signal to Noise Improvements in Seismoelectric Data Acquisition - Po
Byrne, D. Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pa
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pr
Bzdel, L. Advances in Geophysical Exploration for Uranium Deposits in the Athabasca Basin - Pa
Advances in Geophysical Exploration for Uranium Deposits in the Athabasca Basin - Pr
Caccetta, M. Drill Core Logging of Feldspar Composition and Other Minerals Associated with Archaean Gold Mineralization at Kambalda, Western Australia, using a bi-Directional Thermal Infrared Reflectance System - Wk1
HyLogger? an Automated Core and Drill Chips Logger for exploration of iron ore - Wk1
Mapping ?Big Footprint? Archaean Au Alteration Mineralogy through the regolith at Kalgoorlie using airborne hyperspectral data - Wk1
The Mt Isa Mineral Mapping Project : next generation pre-competitive geoscience information for a sustainable resource industry - Wk1
Calcagno, P. Improved 3D Geology Modelling using an Implicit Function Interpolator and Forward Modelling of Potential Field Data - Pa
Calvin, W. KEYNOTE: The Mars Exploration Rover Mission: 1300 Sols and Still Roving on the Red Planet - Wk1
Remote sensing analysis of Leviathan Mine and the Monitor Pass district of California. - Wk1
Camerlynck, C. A Matlab program to invert 1D Spectral Induced Polarization data for Cole-Cole model including electromagnetic effects - Pa
A Matlab program to invert 1D Spectral Induced Polarization data for Cole-Cole model including electromagnetic effects - Po
Cameron, E.M. Groundwaters in Geochemical Exploration: Methods, Applications and Future Directions - Pa
Groundwaters in Geochemical Exploration: Methods, Applications and Future Directions - Pr
Cameron, G. Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pa
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pr
Campbell, I. Modern X-ray Diffraction Techniques for Exploration and Analysis of Ore Bodies - Pa
Modern X-ray Diffraction Techniques for Exploration and Analysis of Ore Bodies - Po
Carneiro, C. The use of multiple remote sensing technologies to target placer gold deposits in the Brazilian Amazon - Wk1
Carriere, D. Synthetic Model Testing and Titan-24 DC-Resistivity Results over an Athabasca-type Unconformity Uranium Target at Wheeler River, Athabasca Basin, Northwestern Saskatchewan - Wk6Pa
Synthetic Model Testing and Titan-24 DC-Resistivity Results over an Athabasca-type Unconformity Uranium Target at Wheeler River, Athabasca Basin, Northwestern Saskatchewan - Wk6Pr
Carroll, K.A. Benefits of a High Performance Airborne Gravity Gradiometer for Resource Exploration - Pa
Benefits of a High Performance Airborne Gravity Gradiometer for Resource Exploration - Po
Caughlin, B.L. Developments in Analytical Technology - Pa
Developments in Analytical Technology - Pr
Chalke, T.W.J. 3D Data Integration for Exploration and Mine Planning - Pa
Chen, Y. Application of Multi-fractal Filtering in Geochemistry Data Decomposing - A case study from the south region of "Sanjiang ore-forming belt", South-western China - Pa
Application of Multi-fractal Filtering in Geochemistry Data Decomposing - A case study from the south region of "Sanjiang ore-forming belt", South-western China - Po
Cheng, L.Z. Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pa
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pr
Chevillon, C.V. 3D Geochemical and Mineralogical Model of the Sleeper Low Sulphidation Gold System, Nevada - Pa
3D Geochemical and Mineralogical Model of the Sleeper Low Sulphidation Gold System, Nevada - Pa
3D Geochemical and Mineralogical Model of the Sleeper Low Sulphidation Gold System, Nevada - Po
3D Geochemical and Mineralogical Model of the Sleeper Low Sulphidation Gold System, Nevada - Pr
Descriptive Geology and Three Dimensional Gocad Data Integration, Modeling and Projection to Derive Mineralization Controls and Exploration Targets, Midway Gold Project, Nye County, Nevada, USA - Pa
Descriptive Geology and Three Dimensional Gocad Data Integration, Modeling and Projection to Derive Mineralization Controls and Exploration Targets, Midway Gold Project, Nye County, Nevada, USA - Po
Chon, H.T. Geochemical Soil Survey for Au Exploration in the Kenieba District in Mali, Africa - Pa
Geochemical Soil Survey for Au Exploration in the Kenieba District in Mali, Africa - Po
Chouteau, M. A Program to Model and Interpret Borehole Gravity Data - Pa
A Program to Model and Interpret Borehole Gravity Data - Po
Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Pa
Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Po
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pa
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pr
Update on Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Wk6Pa
Update on Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Wk6Pr
Christie, M.H.D Targeting Gold Deposits along a Regional Shear Zone: A Case Study from the Archean Golden Pride Deposit in Tanzania - Pa
Targeting Gold Deposits along a Regional Shear Zone: A Case Study from the Archean Golden Pride Deposit in Tanzania - Po
Chunnett, G.K. 3D Data Integration for Exploration and Mine Planning - Pa
Cirelli, J. Modern X-ray Diffraction Techniques for Exploration and Analysis of Ore Bodies - Pa
Modern X-ray Diffraction Techniques for Exploration and Analysis of Ore Bodies - Po
Closs, L.G. Field Portable X-Ray Fluoresence Geochemical Analysis -Its Contribution to Onsite Real-time Project Evaluation - Pa
Field Portable X-Ray Fluoresence Geochemical Analysis -Its Contribution to Onsite Real-time Project Evaluation - Pr
Cohen, D.R. Major Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 1998-2007 - Pa
Major Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 1998-2007 - Pr
Coker, W.B. Future Research Directions In Exploration Geochemistry: Is There A Future - Pa
Future Research Directions In Exploration Geochemistry: Is There A Future - Pr
Major Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 1998-2007 - Pa
Major Advances in Exploration Geochemistry, 1998-2007 - Pr
Cole, B. Combined Imaging, Geophysical Assessment and Remote Spectroscopy (CIGARS) of Lajitas Mineralization Area, Northern Chile - Wk1
Connor, P. Drill Core Logging of Feldspar Composition and Other Minerals Associated with Archaean Gold Mineralization at Kambalda, Western Australia, using a bi-Directional Thermal Infrared Reflectance System - Wk1
HyLogger? an Automated Core and Drill Chips Logger for exploration of iron ore - Wk1
Cook, B. Electrical and magnetic properties of the Duport gold deposit, Ontario - Wk6Pa
Electrical and magnetic properties of the Duport gold deposit, Ontario - Wk6Pr
Cooke, D.R. Advances in Geological Models and Exploration Methods for Copper ± Gold Porphyry Deposits - Pa
Advances in Geological Models and Exploration Methods for Copper ± Gold Porphyry Deposits - Pr
Cookenboo, H.O. Mantle-derived Indicator Mineral Compositions as Applied to Diamond Exploration - Pa
Mantle-derived Indicator Mineral Compositions as Applied to Diamond Exploration - Pr
Core, D. Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pa
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pr
Corriveau, L. Alteration vectoring to IOCG(U) deposits in frontier volcano-plutonic terrains, Canada - Pa
Cosma, C. Kimberlite delineation by seismic side-scans from boreholes - Wk6Pa
Kimberlite delineation by seismic side-scans from boreholes - Wk6Pr
Coulter, D. Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing - Pa
Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing - Pr
Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy as an Aid to Exploration at the Jundee Gold Mine, Western Australia - Wk1
Partial Spectral Unmixing Using Cross-Correlation Optimization - Wk1
Remote Sensing and InfraRed Reflectance Spectroscopy - A Decade Perspective 1997-2007 - Pa
Remote Sensing and InfraRed Reflectance Spectroscopy - A Decade Perspective 1997-2007 - Pr
Welcome to Workshop 1 - Wk1
Courrioux, G. Improved 3D Geology Modelling using an Implicit Function Interpolator and Forward Modelling of Potential Field Data - Pa
Cowan, J. Implicit Ore Delineation - Pa
Implicit Ore Delineation - Po
Coward, D. Drill Core Logging of Feldspar Composition and Other Minerals Associated with Archaean Gold Mineralization at Kambalda, Western Australia, using a bi-Directional Thermal Infrared Reflectance System - Wk1
HyLogger? an Automated Core and Drill Chips Logger for exploration of iron ore - Wk1
Cox, S. Geoscience Information Management and Access: A Key Enabler for Exploration Success - Pa
Geoscience Information Management and Access: A Key Enabler for Exploration Success - Pr
Cremer, J.F. Alteration vectoring to IOCG(U) deposits in frontier volcano-plutonic terrains, Canada - Pa
Crósta, A. The use of multiple remote sensing technologies to target placer gold deposits in the Brazilian Amazon - Wk1
Using Terra/ASTER and EO-1/Hyperion Data for Characterizing Hydrothermal Alteration Related to Epithermal Gold Mineralization in Patagônia, Argentina - Wk1
Cucuzza, J. Is Research making a Difference in Industry Behavior - Pr
Cudahy, T. Drill Core Logging of Feldspar Composition and Other Minerals Associated with Archaean Gold Mineralization at Kambalda, Western Australia, using a bi-Directional Thermal Infrared Reflectance System - Wk1
Mapping ?Big Footprint? Archaean Au Alteration Mineralogy through the regolith at Kalgoorlie using airborne hyperspectral data - Wk1
Mapping alteration systems using hyperspectral imagery and its application in exploration for differing commodities - Wk1
SEBASS imaging for Copper Porphyry and Skarn Deposits, Yerington, NV - Pa
SEBASS imaging for Copper Porphyry and Skarn Deposits, Yerington, NV - Wk1
The Mt Isa Mineral Mapping Project : next generation pre-competitive geoscience information for a sustainable resource industry - Wk1
Dalstra, H.I. Recent Advances in BIF-related Iron Ore Models and Exploration Strategies - Pa
Recent Advances in BIF-related Iron Ore Models and Exploration Strategies - Pr
Dannemiller, N. Practical Methods for Interpreting Magnetic Data Affected by Strong Remanent Magnetization - Pa
Davis, M.D. The Use of Density as a Stratigraphic and Correlative Tool for the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - Pa
The Use of Density as a Stratigraphic and Correlative Tool for the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - Po
de Kemp, E. High-resolution 2D Seismic Imaging in the Noranda Camp and Implications for Exploration - Pa
High-resolution 2D Seismic Imaging in the Noranda Camp and Implications for Exploration - Po
New eyes on old data: A 3-D historical data integration study in the Heath Steele mining camp, Bathurst New Brunswick, Canada. - Pa
de Ronde, C.E.J. Exploration for VMS Mineralization in Submarine Arcs - Pa
Dentith, M. Automatic Image Analysis for Gold Exploration - Pa
Automatic Image Analysis for Gold Exploration - Po
Deszcz-Pan, M. Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Pa
Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Po
Dickin, A.P. 3D Structural Geometry of a Thrust duplex within the Grenville Province: Integration of Radiogenic Isotope, Magnetics and SRTM topography data - Pa
3D Structural Geometry of a Thrust duplex within the Grenville Province: Integration of Radiogenic Isotope, Magnetics and SRTM topography data - Po
Dickson, B. A New Method for Data Integration and Integrated Data Interpretation: Self-Organising Maps - Pa
A New Method for Data Integration and Integrated Data Interpretation: Self-Organising Maps - Po
Benefits of a High Performance Airborne Gravity Gradiometer for Resource Exploration - Pa
Benefits of a High Performance Airborne Gravity Gradiometer for Resource Exploration - Po
Denoising Aerial Gamma-Ray Survey Data with Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction - Pa
Denoising Aerial Gamma-Ray Survey Data with Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction - Pa
Denoising Aerial Gamma-Ray Survey Data with Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction - Po
Dietiker, B. Seismic Exploration within the Flin Flon VMS Mining Camp, Manitoba, Canada - Pa
Dipple, G. Mapping Subsurface Alteration using Gravity and Magnetic Inversion Mmodels - Pa
Mapping Subsurface Alteration using Gravity and Magnetic Inversion Mmodels - Pr
Dobak, P.J. Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pa
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types - Pr
Donohue, J.G. Distributed Acquisition In Electrical Geophysical Systems - Pa
Distributed Acquisition In Electrical Geophysical Systems - Pr
Dransfield, M. Airborne Gravity Gradiometry in the Search for Mineral Deposits - Pa
Airborne Gravity Gradiometry in the Search for Mineral Deposits - Pr
Ducart, D. Using Terra/ASTER and EO-1/Hyperion Data for Characterizing Hydrothermal Alteration Related to Epithermal Gold Mineralization in Patagônia, Argentina - Wk1
Dumont, R. A Comparison Between Old and Recent Airborne Time-Domain Electromagnetic Surveys Flown in the Chibougamau Region, Eastern Canada - Pa
A Comparison Between Old and Recent Airborne Time-Domain Electromagnetic Surveys Flown in the Chibougamau Region, Eastern Canada - Po
Duncan, P.M. Exploration Technology: An Oil and Gas Perspective - Pr
Dunn, C.E. New Perspectives on Biogeochemical Exploration - Pa
New Perspectives on Biogeochemical Exploration - Pr
Dupuis, J.C. Signal to Noise Improvements in Seismoelectric Data Acquisition - Pa
Signal to Noise Improvements in Seismoelectric Data Acquisition - Po
Edmondo, G. Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy as an Aid to Exploration at the Jundee Gold Mine, Western Australia - Wk1
Eichenberg, D. Kimberlite delineation by seismic side-scans from boreholes - Wk6Pa
Kimberlite delineation by seismic side-scans from boreholes - Wk6Pr
Ellis, B. Combined Imaging, Geophysical Assessment and Remote Spectroscopy (CIGARS) of Lajitas Mineralization Area, Northern Chile - Wk1
Enescu, N. Kimberlite delineation by seismic side-scans from boreholes - Wk6Pa
Kimberlite delineation by seismic side-scans from boreholes - Wk6Pr
Fairhead, D. Advantages of Decorrugation of Aeromagnetic data using the Naudy-Fuller space domain filter - Wk6Pa
Fedikow, M. The Evaluation of Geological Exploration Samples using Multi-element Mobile Metal Ion (MMI-M) Selective Weak Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) - Pa
The Evaluation of Geological Exploration Samples using Multi-element Mobile Metal Ion (MMI-M) Selective Weak Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) - Po
Feng, J. Spatial-spectral information for endmember extraction - Wk1
Ferguson, I. Electrical and magnetic properties of the Duport gold deposit, Ontario - Wk6Pa
Electrical and magnetic properties of the Duport gold deposit, Ontario - Wk6Pr
Fink, J.B. Exploration and Optimized Extraction of Retained Gold Inventory in Heap Leach Stacks Prior to Closure - Wk6Pa
Exploration and Optimized Extraction of Retained Gold Inventory in Heap Leach Stacks Prior to Closure - Wk6Pr
Flis, M. Recent Advances in BIF-related Iron Ore Models and Exploration Strategies - Pa
Recent Advances in BIF-related Iron Ore Models and Exploration Strategies - Pr
Florsch, N. A Matlab program to invert 1D Spectral Induced Polarization data for Cole-Cole model including electromagnetic effects - Pa
A Matlab program to invert 1D Spectral Induced Polarization data for Cole-Cole model including electromagnetic effects - Po
Fountain, D. Airborne Geophysics - Evolution and Revolution - Pa
Airborne Geophysics - Evolution and Revolution - Pr
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pa
Lessons learnt from three massive sulphides test sites - Wk6Pr
Fraser, S.J. A New Method for Data Integration and Integrated Data Interpretation: Self-Organising Maps - Pa
A New Method for Data Integration and Integrated Data Interpretation: Self-Organising Maps - Po
Freeman, L. Technology - View from the Boardroom - Leigh Freeman - Pr
Friske, P.W.B. Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Pa
Cretaceous Shale of Northern Alberta: A New Frontier for Base Metal Exploration - Po
Fu, B. Lithologic mapping system with ASTER TIR data and preliminary usage of PALSAR full polarimetric data - Wk1
Fullagar, P.K. Geologically-realistic Inversion of Geophysical Data - Pa
Geologically-realistic Inversion of Geophysical Data - Pr
Galeschuk, C. Exploration Techniques for Rare-Element Pegmatites in the Bird River Greenstone Belt, Southeastern Manitoba - Pa
Gao, Y. Modified Geogas Survey: A Potential and Practical Tool for Mineral Exploration in areas with Exotic Overburden - Pa
Garwin, S. Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pa
Using 3D Methods in the Management of Risk in Exploration Targeting - Pr
Gaucher, E. A New Mining Camp Discovered with Beep Mats and Infinitem - Wk6Pa
A New Mingin Camp Discovered with Beep Mats and Infinitem - Wk6Pr
Gerrie, V. Ground and Borehole Geophysics - A Decade of Improvements - Pa
Ground and Borehole Geophysics - A Decade of Improvements - Pr
Ghorbani, A. A Matlab program to invert 1D Spectral Induced Polarization data for Cole-Cole model including electromagnetic effects - Pa
A Matlab program to invert 1D Spectral Induced Polarization data for Cole-Cole model including electromagnetic effects - Po
Gibson, H.L. The VMS Model: Advances and Application to Exploration - Pa
The VMS Model: Advances and Application to Exploration - Pr
Gibson, L. Innovative EM Exploration in Surface Exploration and Underground Mine Settings - Pa
Innovative EM Exploration in Surface Exploration and Underground Mine Settings - Pr
Gibson, M. 3D Data Integration for Exploration and Mine Planning - Pa
Gingerich, J. Using Technology to Provide Business Solutions - Pr
Giroux, B. A Program to Model and Interpret Borehole Gravity Data - Pa
A Program to Model and Interpret Borehole Gravity Data - Po
Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Pa
Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Po
Update on Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Wk6Pa
Update on Development of a Borehole Gravity Meter for Mining Applications - Wk6Pr
Glanzman, R.K. Field Portable X-Ray Fluoresence Geochemical Analysis -Its Contribution to Onsite Real-time Project Evaluation - Pa
Field Portable X-Ray Fluoresence Geochemical Analysis -Its Contribution to Onsite Real-time Project Evaluation - Pr
Gobbo, L. Modern X-ray Diffraction Techniques for Exploration and Analysis of Ore Bodies - Pa
Modern X-ray Diffraction Techniques for Exploration and Analysis of Ore Bodies - Po
Godber, K.E. DHMMR: Coming of Age - Pa
DHMMR: Coming of Age - Po
Goldberg, A. Improved 3D Geology Modelling using an Implicit Function Interpolator and Forward Modelling of Potential Field Data - Pa
Goldberg, I.S. Exploration Criteria for Appraising Geochemical Anomalies through Mapping Geochemical Systems - Pa
Goodfellow, W.D. New eyes on old data: A 3-D historical data integration study in the Heath Steele mining camp, Bathurst New Brunswick, Canada. - Pa
Goossens, M. Alteration mapping for large regions using aster. Examples from Tibet, Iran, Turkey and the Tienshan region - Wk1
Gordon, R.L. An Integrated 3D Approach to Deep Search Exploration - Pa
An Integrated 3D Approach to Deep Search Exploration - Pr
Goutier, J. High-resolution 2D Seismic Imaging in the Noranda Camp and Implications for Exploration - Pa
High-resolution 2D Seismic Imaging in the Noranda Camp and Implications for Exploration - Po
Graham, I. Technology - View from the Boardroom - Ian Graham - Pr
Grauch, V.J.S. Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Pa
Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys for Ground-Water Resources: A Decade Of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey - Po
Griffin, W.L. Crustal History and Metallogenic Fertility: Terrane-scale Assessment with Detrital Zircons - Pa
Crustal History and Metallogenic Fertility: Terrane-scale Assessment with Detrital Zircons - Pr
Grunsky, E.C. Surficial mapping in the Hardy Lake Area, NWT, Canada using radar and multispectral methods - Wk1
The Interpretation of Regional Geochemical Survey Data - Pa
The Interpretation of Regional Geochemical Survey Data - Pr
Gr?tter, H.S. Mantle-derived Indicator Mineral Compositions as Applied to Diamond Exploration - Pa
Mantle-derived Indicator Mineral Compositions as Applied to Diamond Exploration - Pr
Guillen, R. Improved 3D Geology Modelling using an Implicit Function Interpolator and Forward Modelling of Potential Field Data - Pa