Workshop 1 - Workshop on Geological Remote Sensing

Saturday, September 8

Xiaodong Zhou and David W. Coulter

KEYNOTE: The Mars Exploration Rover Mission: 1300 Sols and Still Roving on the Red Planet
W. Calvin



Reflectance Spectroscopy and Remote Sensing of the Alteration System at Virginia City, Nevada
P. Hauff, G. Edmondo, D. Coulter and A. Smailbegovic

Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy as an Aid to Exploration at the Jundee Gold Mine, Western Australia
B. Agar and C. Kyngdon

Interrogating Geological Spectral Data - How to get the most out of the mineral information in your spectra
S. Pontual

Automated mineral logging with the SpecCam imaging infrared spectrometer
G. Hunt



Drill Core Logging of Feldspar Composition and Other Minerals Associated with Archaean Gold Mineralization at Kambalda, Western Australia, using a bi-Directional Thermal Infrared Reflectance System
T. Cudahy, R. Hewson, M. Caccetta, A. Roache L. Whitbourn, P. Connor, D. Coward, P. Mason, K. Yang, J. Huntington, and M. Quigley

HyLogger™ an Automated Core and Drill Chips Logger for exploration of iron ore
E. Ramanaidou, M. Caccetta, A. Hacket, M. Wells, D. Robinson, G. Kirkpatrick, L. Whitbourn, P. Connor, D. Coward, P. Mason, M. Jolivet, and J. Huntington

Effects of Spatial and Spectral Resolution on Recognition of Mineral Endmembers in a Hydrothermal Alteration Setting: Case Study on Buddingtonite Bump, Cuprite, Nevada, USA
A. Smailbegovic, J. Taranik, Z. Aslett, and B. Peppin

SEBASS imaging for Copper Porphyry and Skarn Deposits, Yerington, NV
D. Riley, T. Cudahy, R. Hewson, D. Jansing, and J. Hackwell


Processing Methods

Spatial-spectral information for endmember extraction
B. Rivard, D.M. Rogge, J. Feng, and J. Harris

Hyperspectral data processing for mineral anomalies in the western united states
J. Zamudio

Partial Spectral Unmixing Using Cross-Correlation Optimization
D. Coulter


Regional Geologic Mapping

Mapping "Big Footprint" Archaean Au Alteration Mineralogy through the regolith at Kalgoorlie using airborne hyperspectral data
T. Cudahy, M. Caccetta, M. Wells, and M. Skwarnecki

Alteration mapping for large regions using aster. Examples from Tibet, Iran, Turkey and the Tienshan region
M. Goossens

Regional mapping of phyllic- and argillic-altered rocks in southeastern Iran and southwestern Pakistan using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection radiometer (ASTER) data
J. Mars

Advanced SAR techniques for Geological Mapping
V. Singhroy

Lithologic mapping system with ASTER TIR data and preliminary usage of PALSAR full polarimetric data
Yoshiki Ninomiya and Bihong Fu


Sunday, September 9

Geologic Mapping

The Mt Isa Mineral Mapping Project: next generation pre-competitive geoscience information for a sustainable resource industry
T. Cudahy, M. Jones, M. Thomas, M. Caccetta, R. Hewson, M. Verrall and A. Hacket

Improved rock units discrimination using ASTER data of the Neyriz ophiolite, NW Iran, and its potential in prospecting for chromite deposits
R. Vincent and M. Tangestani

Surficial mapping in the Hardy Lake Area, NWT, Canada using radar and multispectral methods
E. Grunsky, M. McClelland, and S. Brunke

Remote sensing analysis of Leviathan Mine and the Monitor Pass district of California.
W. Calvin and J. Shoffner


Case Histories

Using Terra/ASTER and EO-1/Hyperion Data for Characterizing Hydrothermal Alteration Related to Epithermal Gold Mineralization in Patagônia, Argentina
A. Crósta, D. Ducart, and C. Souza Filho

Mapping alteration systems using hyperspectral imagery and its application in exploration for differing commodities
M. Hussey and T. Cudahy

Combined Imaging, Geophysical Assessment and Remote Spectroscopy (CIGARS) of Lajitas Mineralization Area, Northern Chile
A. Smailbegovic, B. Ellis, B. Cole, and J. Jordan

The use of multiple remote sensing technologies to target placer gold deposits in the Brazilian Amazon
A. Crósta and C. Carneiro

Spectral analysis of ASTER data for alteration mapping in Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper deposit area, SE Iran
M. Tangestani

Applying Hyperspectral Imagery to Kimberlite Exploration
M. Hussey


Panel Discussion and Wrap up